Racist Incidents Give Some Obama Campaigners Pause - washingtonpost.com

Wow, unreal. Quotes include:

"I'll never vote for a black person."
"Hang that darky from a tree."

Racist Incidents Give Some Obama Campaigners Pause - washingtonpost.com

I was staring at my computer screen reading this (ignoring bouncing ads on the side panel) and I actually started feeling like I wanted to cry. Not for Obama specifically, just because there are enough quarters of cities where things like this are still common wisdom.

Okay... I've already been studying, and I need to get back to it. This is a quick post. The stress is decently high. :-7 I've got to memorize the 18th-20th centuries of Christian thought. Final exam is in less than 24 hrs.


I'm done!!!


first paragraph from my almost done paper