first paragraph from my almost done paper

Just over 300 miles of distance separates the old Swiss Kesswill parish near Lake Constance and the plains of German Westphalia above the Rhine. But in the late 19th century, two particular residents of each weren’t perhaps all that far apart. Both men were Lutheran pastors by training, and rational by disposition. Both had marriages that were at first hopeful but later degenerated to cold distance. Johann and Emilee were troubled by her melancholy despair; though she was the one with the wealth, she turned herself into a hospital for months after seeing spirits in her bedroom.[1] Caroline and August weren’t faring much better; she was dominated by her passionate but irritable husband. Their eventual separation was the scandal of the Society. But, before their troubles, both couples had sons they could be proud of; each would change the landscape of their respective fields. The German Rauschenbusch’s son was born first; they delighted in young Walter on October 4th, 1861. The Jung’s son Carl—born on July 25th, 1875—was 14 years younger, but would catch up quickly. 1912 would be a key year for both.

[1] Wehr, Gerhard. Portrait of Jung. W. A. Hargreaves. trans. New York: Herder and Herder, 1971


Racist Incidents Give Some Obama Campaigners Pause -


stressing over finals