MA in Theological Studies | Communication and Culture
Scripture in a Digital Context: Explorations in Media Ecology and Theology
In 2008 and 2009, I spent a bunch of time doing masters writing about technology, communications, and theology. I was especially interested in Scripture. I thought about digital communication technologies as a cultural environments and asked: are Twitter people also People of the Book?
“If the Bible isn’t a book, then what is it?”
For those cocktail party friends who somehow stuck in the conversation long enough to ask me to read this… I posted it here.
Table of Contents and Introduction (pdf, 772k)
Chapter 1: Scripture In a Digital Context (pdf, 1.2mb)
Chapter 2 Theologies of Scripture p18-38 (pdf, 1.4mb)
Chapter 3 Foundational Literature in Media Ecology p39-54 (pdf, 847k)
Chapter 4 The Bible as Medium p55-78 (pdf, 1.4mb)
Chart_Scripture in Communication Technology History (pdf, 964k)
Chapter 5 The Global Village-Scripture in Time and Space p79-90 (pdf, 904k)
Chapter 6 Scripture and the Church as Filtering Communities p91-109 (pdf, 985k)
Chapter 7 Scripture Remixed--Re-creation and Identity p110-125
Chapter 8 Questions and Further Questions p126-145 (pdf, 886k)
Full Bibliography (pdf, 669k)