resetting my netflix device with a konami code

I grabbed my my Samsung BD-D6500 Blu-ray player mostly for two things: blu-ray player and Netflix streaming.  The latter half of that combo hasn't worked in months.  Not that I can't load up the Netflix app from the awkward Samsung "hub." But every movie or tv show spins for not more than 2 minutes, rebuffers a few times, then drops into a

We're unable to connect you to Netflix. Please try again or visit netflix/com/tvhelp for guidance.

I hit that error 17 in times in a row during one 30 minute episode (that's determination!).

Of course, you just assume it's network speed or something. But my laptop and iPad streamed Netflix perfectly. And my network speeds were consistently 10mbps down using

Samsung customer support:  awful. Live chatted with a tech who had me reset and reinstall the app (expected), but then told me that it was my firewall, and that I should disable it, leaving my network exposed to the internet. Good plan.  So, end of road there.

Netflix customer support: much more helpful. First of all: friendly and quick.  And all he wanted to do was deactivate the blue-ray player and reactivate it from his end.

That's when he told me to pick up my Samsung remote, point it at my blu-ray player and press:

up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, up, up, up, up

I just about laughed aloud. You know what this is?

No A, B or "Select" keys... but this is a solid Nintendo throw-back.

The tech told me it works for most Netflix devices, including Samsung blu-ray and X-Box. Gotta love nerds about my age.


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