O Come O Come Emmanuel: Jesus, Israel, and the Gospel
I taught several breakout sessions at IGNITE 2012 conference from December 28-30. The audio has been posted if you'd like to check it out. My audience for this was college students and campus missionaries. IGNITE is sponsored by Great Commission Ministries Churches, which is the original group of campus-focused churches that started GCM as a missions agency, and I have quite a few good friends here, so it's very informal. I started the workshop by telling the story of three Polaroids in my head:
I do use the white board a decent amount, so that doesn't lend itself to audio super well. And this was the first time through this material for me in this arrangement. But disclaimers aside:
Breakout Session: O Come O Come Emmanuel: Jesus, Israel, and the Gospel
Listen Now (at www.gcmcignite.com)
Handout O Come O Come Emmanuel
And if it's at all helpful, here are my actual raw teaching notes (hopefully nothing embarrassing in here!). For anyone who actually attended, this will have portions of things I cut from the workshop.
Ridgeway Workshop Outline (raw notes) 2012