Choosing a New To-Do List Manager
(A.KA. evidence I'm a nerd based on the way I use my Saturday afternoons). So, the online tasks manager I've been using was a little one called Action Complete. Recently, it switched to a pay-only model, and while I liked a number of features, there are enough annoyances to send me back to the Research Room. Which, truth be told, is probably my favorite place anyway.
Some stuff I wanted:
- Online/cloud. Want the data stored safely not on my computer. Magic sync.
- Android App. That's what I got right now.
- iPad App. I'm using a GCM iPad, and anticipate upgrading myself.
- Beautiful User Interface. Can't be ugly. Should have intuitive drag-and-drop. Should not be using Web Form controls that look like 1996 (Ahem, RTM). I should be able to create nice visual layouts and colors when I want them.
- Has to fit this mental model I've been using of Actions, Waits, Projects, and Ideas, a modified form of Getting Things Done (GTD) that Action Complete got me sorta hooked on.
- I've given up on sycing with Exchange/Outlook. So over Outlook tasks.
- I don't mind paying an annual fee
What did I come up with? A glasses-inducing chart. Seriously. Been working on it for the last 3 hours.

The services I've got on here are:
- Action Complete. My current app. Has been functional for me. Some picky things make me want to change.
- Remember the Milk. One of the most well-known on the web, but the interface isn't nice. Feels old.
- ToodleDo. Most customizable I've seen. Better interface than RTM, but not much.
- GQueues. Effective interface design, really nice drag and drop, but no real mobile apps
- Springpad. Beautiful design; some Onenote/Evernote-like features like pegboard, web clippings, and Facebook integration.
- Nobze. Laughably overpriced, pretty nice interface, but not substantially better.
- Astrid. Focused on Facebook or sharing, but too limited in features for me. Android only.
Welp, now I've got a chart.