New Book: Don't Eat the Fruit | John Dyer
I got invited to jump in on a blog tour promoting From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology by John Dyer. I met John at Exponential 2010 (big 'ol church planters conference) when I swung by his workshop on the topic. Given how easily I critique in this area, I prepped myself for disappointment, and instead heard one of the more sane and clever presentations I've heard.
Dyer, who works as programmer + has a seminary degree, is well positioned to look at this stuff. But his real strength is it looks as if he's engaging well into Media Ecology, my favorite playground. I do see signs of Postman and Ellul lurking about (paddling a bit more in the pessimistic part of the pool), but I'm feeling good about this one: we may have a well balanced analysis of new communications technologies here.
So 13 of us will be blogging through the book, and each week, one of the posts will be featured by the tour host:
We're kicking it off (Introductory post on the Preface here), and I'll have the first chapter next week.
Stay tuned!