Ch2: Technology and Imagination | John Dyer
I'm chillin' on a blog tour promoting From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology by John Dyer. A post from me every week, plus more at host site: Check it out..
Chapter 2: Imagination.
John employs imagination and story for analysis on technology.
Technology is imagining a better world. From robot vacuums to the HTC EVO 4G (my current device, of course mine is hacked and customized), our invention and usage is usually taking us somewhere. Dyer summarizes:
"Technology, then, is the bridge from this world to the imagined one."
This is fascinating and helpful--we live in a narrative that says: we invent technology to make things better. Hope and a future.
John tells the story of consumerism we are familiar with: fast cars and great deodorant will make you more sexy.
One question? What of serendipitous discovery and pursuit of knowledge? It seems there is a difference between "applied technology" combined with marketing, and human ingenuity that revels in discovery itself.
Another question? Is this human propensity to have technology represent the potential future part of our created image or part of the Fall?
Lots more in this chapter. Read the blog tour post here.