how blogging is hard when your rhythms are off

Some might have noticed that I just got my new domain sorta off the ground and then subsequently stopped talking. Phew. It's been the craziness of life: mainly my transition to my new job in Orlando Florida from Chicago. I haven't had a "normal" day in 3+ months, in fact, I realized that I had lived out of suitcase from 20 December until yesterday, when I slept in my new apartment for the first time. It's been hotels and guest rooms for three months. Yowza. So even though my new place is trashed with partly-opened cardboard boxes, it feels good to land a little bit.

Meanwhile, my e-mail inbox is full of "tips" from friends and readers on theo-digital type topics. All stuff I'd love to think and write about... and mostly stuff that will probably still wait for a bit. Some things still need to happen. For instance, living normally will still required that I buy some things. Like milk. And a bed.

I've been telling people for the last few years that e-mail inboxes have become the to-do list manager of the active person, and it's true. Funny how media fill prior functions/needs. For me, e-mail is both "To-Do" and—since Google's ability to archive everything—also "Life History." That first one is why I can be slow to return e-mails. If I'm in a mode where I can't "do anything else right now"—even short messages become shoved aside and sometimes forgotten.

On the other hand, you can text me and you're likely to get an instant response. Media-shifting (from phone to text to e-mail to face-to-face) doesn't just repackage the same message, it seems to modify it completely.

Okay, off to Ikea.


health technology is where?


how the internet enables intimacy | TED