missional learning commons

deeper-churchToday I'll be heading down to the Missional Learning Commons "non-conference" hosted in Ft. Wayne Indiana with friends from my church Life on the Vine.  I've seen this informal gathering/discussion pop up over the last few years, but now that I know personally a few people who engage in it (Dave Ftich), I've been persuaded to join in.   I was also surprised to see my friend JR Woodward tweeting that he was on his way, so it promises to be a thoughtful (and probably lively) crowd. This is a good thing for me after about a week of serious downtime in Champaign, IL, visiting friends at my old church I-Life at the University of Illinois.  The downstate time was an oasis between the intensity of GCM IGNITE 2009 in Columbus Ohio (where I served as the asst. director of the conference), and my coming big transitions.

I'm storing up a packload of digital theology kinda thoughts, but they're gonna have to wait for now.

ps - Happy Epiphany.  Isa 60.


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