twittered passion play

I've heard about this from several places already: twspassionplay is the Twitter feed for Trinity Wall Street, an Episcopal church in New York who added twitter updates to their three hour passion play on Good Friday.  About 2,000 people followed online.

via @Mary_Mother_Of: They sealed his tomb at dusk. The stone stands between us, and I can’t leave. I am an old woman now, lost in the dark. from GroupTweet

via @romanguard1: I've got dibs on his robe, but if you guys want to cast lots for the rest of his clothes I'm cool with that. from GroupTweet

via @Mary_Mother_Of: I saw the water and the blood. I want to scream with him: Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? from GroupTweet

via @JosephArimathea: is sleepwalking through this. I cut the tomb, bought the linen, hold his body—and he’s gone. from GroupTweet

via @Pontius_Pilate: They want this done by nightfall. I sent my soldiers to break the dead men’s legs. Are my hands clean of this? from GroupTweet

via @ServingGirl: Darkness and earthquake. I heard the curtain in the temple was torn in two. I wonder… from GroupTweet

Some not-to-in-depth observations:

  • Narrative:  maintained characters, plot.  A level removed from setting, but no more than a reader's theater that places parts as read on a black stage with isolated stools.  In true postmodern form, it picks up and depends on knowledge of the narrative, using only isolated memes.
  • Global:  nicely makes real the idea that the worldwide Church is all celebrating Good Friday at the same time.  Live comments from California to Murcia, Spain.
  • Human:  sometimes the form underscores the extended human emotion.  The terse, 140 character phrase I think makes Mary's "I am an old woman now, lost in the dark" statement even more powerful.

the hope of new life


all theologies are contextual theologies