the end of alone | a theology of facebook part 1

The other day, two of my seminary buddies were talking about Facebook. We all check it regularly, me especially as a brain-break between droning academic essays.

And a the tone of the conversation turned a way that I've heard often from Christians as they talk about Facebook. In it's mild form, it's expressed an embarrassment to admit that we spend a lot of time online. "I should totally spend more time with real people, huh?" In it's strong, dogmatic form, it emerges as a theological diatribe against "fake community" and it's distinct threat to the real community of the Church.

I've heard this over and over.

While I believe this is common wisdom, especially among pastors I've spoken with, I think it misses the mark. There's much more here. So I'd like to start reflecting on Facebook, using both communication media and theology as conversation partners.

The Boston Globe produced a quick series of interviews called "the end of alone." By buddy Ty sent it to me to open the discussion.


shane hipps "don't call it community" | a theology of facebook part 2

