the submarines honeysuckle weeks | my review
So if you Google for reviews on The Submarine's second album , you don't even get the one I wrote (maybe if you kept up, but I only looked for five pages). And it's all because of this Apple ad:
So this is my post where I strut and say that I was way ahead of everyone being all cool—I wrote my review this past summer, giving these super-poppy kids the thumbs up. Hardly shook up the world. But hey it's my blog, so I gotta work the cred any chance I get. ;-)
Anyway, here's what I said then (for Innocent Words):
The Submarines
Honeysuckle Weeks
(Nettwerk Records)
Hip-SoCal-popsters are all over The Submarines, the Weepies-like, boy-girl duo that showed up via (sigh:) Grey’s Anatomy and had done the NPR interview and released an iTunes exclusive cut before most 20-somethings could get an intelligent blog post sketched up in draft.The sound is Fiest meets Postal Service with a touch more cheese, which is what you’d expect from a love-struck couple that produced their first album by breaking up and simultaneously penning songs about it. Back together, their second effort Honeysuckle Weeks proves that John Dragonetti knows his programming—his beat loops and square-wave tones (beep! boop!) provide the arcade layer and fun, while Blake Hazard (she’s the girl) slips the in the poppy charm. Though both sing, Hazard’s vocals dominate the tracks with cute-smart lyrics about a relationship that went bad for a time but is happily back on course. Occasionally gag-able (Every day I wake up ~I chose love ~ I chose light) , but not infrequently insightful (maybe we’re strong, but maybe, maybe we’re wrong), the pop duo finds the hook buried in every song and charts it with las, ahs, and the occasional underwater glockenspiel.
While I could do without a few of the extra claps, the couple is enigmatic (she’s the great-granddaughter of F. Scott Fitzgerald) and have an electronic whiz-kid thing that’s tightly produced and even Beatles-aware. Toss in a few more socially conscious themes (“You, Me, and the Bourgeois” dogs plastic bottles and sweatshop clothing) and The Submarines dive deep enough for a second play.
It's rumored that Steve Jobs hand-picks all the Apple songs for their commercials. I'd like to pick on him for that, but I were in his position, I'm sufficiently self-inflated about my own music taste that I probably would too. (although on Honeysuckle Weeks, I gotta say track 5—"The Wake Up Song" is even better than "You, Me, and the Bourgeoisie").