contexual theologies | scott moreau
Being at the evangelical-moderate/left North Park, it took me a little bit to realize that more conservative evangelical scholars in the past have been rather suspicious of some standard contextual theologies (e.g. feminist theology). I think NPTS has a rather balanced view that says that these is much to learn from the contextuals, without falling into a pitfalls that would make them un-critiqueable from scriptures. But past that, I found this thought from a missiologist at Wheaton interesting.
Among Christian contextualizers it is this dimension—especially the contextualization of theology—that is most typically discussed and debated. We see this dimension expressed in liberation theology, African identity theology, feminist theology, black theology, Minjung theology, Dalit theology, ethno-theologies, and so on. In evangelical circles, Calvinistic, Arminian, Wesleyan, dispensationalist and Pentecostal theologies are also examples. Though often not recognized as contextualized theologies, that is precisely what they are.
~ Scott Moreau, professor and chair of intercultural studies at Wheaton College. From "Contexualization That Is Comprehensive" in Missiology: An International Review, Vol. XXXIV, no. 3, July