pope benedict quote on sex abuse

"It is a great suffering for the church in the United States, for the church in general, and for me personally that this could happen. If I read the histories of these victims, it’s difficult for me to understand how it was possible that priests betrayed in this way their mission to give healing and to give the love of God to these children. We are deeply ashamed, and we will do all that is possible that this cannot happen in the future."
I would not speak in this moment about homosexuality, but pedophilia, [which] is another thing. We will absolutely exclude pedophiles from the sacred ministry, this is absolutely incompatible. And who is really guilty of being a pedophile cannot be a priest.
I know that the bishops and the rectors of seminarians will do all that is possible so that we have a strong discernment, because it’s more important to have good priests than to have many priests."

Pope Benedict, answering a planned question from reporter John Allen on the papal plane before landing at Andrews Air Force base. The pope's words on this are significant, and the Pope clearly was aware, because he switched from Italian to English to answer the question. Some have accused him of not adequately addressing the sex abuse scandals of the last years. Read the NY Times article, but see the actual transcript of his words. I think his comments felt human and well done. I wonder what the critical abuse victims in Boston in this NPR story think at this point.


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