mark driscoll on emerging church - full transcript

On 24 Feb '08, Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church (Seattle) spoke on the topic of the emerging church. Mark is often quoted -- especially by general-audience news media (doing feature articles in the religion section) -- as an "emerging church leader," though I don't think I'd agree (despite the wide breadth the term covers). Really he's simply a younger conservative evangelical pastor who wears Urban Outfitter t-shirts.

But he does have a past association with Emergent Village types, which he can be pretty negative towards. Because I wanted to look more closely at what he had to say, I went ahead and transcribed his entire talk. The audio and video of his talk were already publicly available, but sometimes it's easier to read it. I did it for myself but then figured others might want it as well. So here it is, the full transcript of his talk. It was part of a sermon series entitled Religion Saves & Nine Other Misconceptions.

Full Transcript (pdf - 379kb)
Mark Driscoll
Ask Anything Question 2: Emerging Church

The above is my unmarked transcript of his talk. If you'd like to see the copy I was using to mark up, including my personal (biased) comments, you can download that instead. Maybe I'll be able to get back around and put up some quotes later.


walter wink's answer


isn't it good he's not here?