why unedited c-span coverage is our friend

This picture is courtesy of my brother-in-law's camera phone. If you mentally zoom in near the bottom of the middle window, you can see a famous head of hair from yesterday: General Petreus giving his report to Congress on the war in Iraq.

I haven't had time yet to read the transcript of the General's remarks. But if I were to just check the headlines via Google News, I'd wonder what actually happened. As a quick sample of headline spin in the press (from every side, mind you) - here's a bunch of examples from yesterday:

US is winning the war in Iraq, General tells Congress
Petraeus Pleads for Six More Months
What Bush and Petraeus Won't Admit
US surge plan in Iraq 'working'
US Iraq Commander: Early Withdrawal Would Help al-Qaida in Iraq
Surprise - Not! Petraeus Claims Major Progress Following 'Surge'
Day of Reckoning for Bush's Iraq Strategy
Petraeus sees partial US pullout by next summer

and the one that probably got it right:
Political Jockeying Begins on Capitol Hill Ahead of Petraeus Testimony


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