pray for our sister fellowship at v-tech

update 5.20pm - pastor and my friend JR Woodward will be giving updates on his blog from Blacksburg, he is not in LA, but is traveling down to the campus from DC. Also, GCM pastor Jim Pace is scheduled to appear on Larry King tonight at 8pm CST
If you haven't yet heard about today's unbelievable campus shooting rampage at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA... hit up google news now.

V-Tech is home to New Life Christian Fellowship [nlcf] - a GCM sister fellowship to I-Life here at University of Illinois. GCM internal note from an hour ago (passed through a staff member at GCM Orlando office):

In case you haven't heard, there was a shooting spree this morning on the Virginia Tech Univ. campus. According to local news, there are 32 dead at this time.

Mike Swann informed me that there are reports of NLCF member's friends that had been killed. There is no word on whether any nlcf members were among those killed - the authorities are keeping a tight lock on those names.

Mike asked for us to pray for the students at Va Tech, that they would know the presence and comfort of God at this time. He also asked us to pray that their church would know how best to respond in the aftermath.

We'll keep you posted as we receive additional information.

Mike Swann is a GCM staff member and worship leader just like I am. Pray for him, their church, their campus...


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miranda july