a "medium" visit
Well. I'm not stunned, wowed, and convinced.
But I liked parts, and certainly didn't hate it.
Did the following schedule today:
9am - Academic Advisor and Financial Aid
10am - Fuller Chapel Service
11am - Campus & Housing Tour
12pm - Lunch with representative from Brehm Center for Worship, Theology, and the Arts
1pm - skip first half of class I'm assigned to visit (Systematic Theology with Colin Brown)
2pm - walk into the back of another class, MC500 Church in Mission, by Associate Professor Ryan Bolger (incidentally co-author of the book I've been reading, "Emerging Churches"
3:30pm - decide to quit talking to people in general for a undetermined resting period.
The campus is very pretty: bright palms, historic houses, modern buildings, and a silent prayer garden. but I still found myself longing for the stately American architecture that characterizes UofI. None of that to be found. sigh.
I don't know. I don't know.