ten chicago things

A friend of mine has asked me for a "Top 10" list of things to do in the city while visiting. I'm so mired in my own shades-of-gray indecision, that I've obliged with a list of ten things, but can't provide actual "ranks" without emotional damage. So here they are, distinctly un-ordered:

  • Enjoy live jazz at the Green Mill. (don’t talk during the music – it’s not allowed).

  • Dodge yelling grill cooks at the Billy Goat tavern, home of “Cheezborger! Cheezborger!”

  • Study the reflection on wet cobblestones in Caillebotte’s Paris Street; Rainy Day at the Art Institute of Chicago.

  • Ride the Brown Line train – the ‘L’ – over the Chicago river and around the “Loop"

  • Read this year’s fairytale in the Marshall Field’s (now Macy's) Christmas-time windows on State St.

  • Roll the dice at “Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind” to find out how much you pay for the show.

  • Dance to the live polka band between the liver soup and brautwurst at the Chicago Brauhaus. German beer helps.

  • Chomp a Chicago dog in the bleachers at Chicago Cub’s Wrigley Field on Clark. Don't worry about missing a half-inning: they're losing anyway.

  • Stroll down North Avenue beach with friends, enjoying the view of the Hancock Building.

  • Warm up with lapsang souchong smoked tea (and a book) at the Bourgeois Pig in Lincoln Park.


grace is glory begun


"at this time, please discontinue use of portable electronic devices"