Crossing the Minnesota State Line ...or... Boy Is Iowa Boring

On I-35 north, hangin in the front seat of the minivan with my buddy Ty Grigg. Just passed the clap-sided Round Prairie Lutheran Church, established 1865. It's sunk into a corn field at the edge of the interstate, small and dusty, and I wonder what this road was before it became a four lane cement monolith.

Of the 30-plus states I've been too, North Dakota hasn't been one of them. But all that's about to change. Ty and I are headed to a wedding in Valley City, ND. Nothing like late summer in the plains states.

It's fun and worth it, though. We will have a small reunion with many of the North Dakota friends we made last summer at Colorado LT.

Meanwhile, I'm drinking something that has multiple statements Not-Evaluated-By-the-FDA. It's a 16-ounce ("Double Size") gold can called ROCKSTAR Energy Drink.

Bigger. Better. Faster. Stronger. ROCKSTAR is the most powerful energy drink available. Enhanced with the potent herb Milk Thistle (whoa.), ROCKSTAR is scientifically formulated to speed the recovery time of those who lead active and exhausting lifestyles-from athletes to rock stars. Enjoy this fully refreshing, lightly carbonated beverage super chilled.


MN and North Dakota


being a Benedictine monk