another episode of: Unclear on the Concept

So, I know I tend to be the political nerd that was sad about my now cancelled West Wing, and watches C-SPAN sometimes during lunch. But these past couple weeks, the Senate has been debating something that everyone should be concerned about: net neutrality. It's a concept that essentially says big companies like AT&T can't "prefer" certain web sites over others as they deliver them to your screen. There's no law on this yet, so it's a big deal that something passes soon.

But it gets worse. Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) is the chairman of the Commerce committee currently investigating this stuff, including testimony and amendments. He made statements last week that are soul-chilling. No worries, it's not violent. It's just the scary phenomenon of him trying to explain to the country why he's not voting for the amendments, and how his personal internet doesn't work...

Wired Blog: Alaska Senator comments on the internet

Don't miss the part where he starts explaining the tubes.


from a to groceries


and... we're back