death of the blog

Hi Chris,

We're afraid you've fallen victim to a bug in our system which occasionally loses template data. Your posts are still safe, but unfortunately we were not able to recover your template for you. To use one of our default templates, you can click the Pick New link on the Template tab. This will let you publish your blog again while you recreate your old template. We apologize for the inconvenience and we are working on getting this problem fixed. However, it is always a good idea to save your own copy of a template if you make extensive customizations.

The Blogger Team

Many of you noticed that my blog died last weekend. The data didn't go away, but all the "look and feel" part - plus the customizations I'd built in including e-mail subscriptions. Looks like I sorta have to rebuild that stuff for scratch... so I apologize now for the new and completely generic look. When I find more emotional energy, I'll come back and try to rebuild this guy.


and... we're back


people agree with me: MySpace is horrible