a qualified spiritual mentor
One of the books that I shelved for a time and just recently got back to is Spiritual Mentoring: A Guide for Seeking and Giving Direction (see my "Currently Reading" section on the right for links). Sometimes I feel like I've read countless books on this topic, but I'm enjoying the time this one takes to integrate writings of classical spiritual writers throughout the history of the church.
Today I liked a quote by St. Teresa of Avila, whose first set of writings - today being read in dozens of languages - were only written in obedience to her spiritual authorities. Her feelings were of personal inadequacy... thought someone wiser than her should take the pen. I'm inclined to agree with authors Anderson and Reese that maybe this is what qualified her the most.
For the love of God, let me work at my spinning wheel and to the choir and perform the duties of religious life, like the other sisters. I am not meant to write: I have neither the health nor the intelligence for it.
The authority of persons so learned and serious as my confessors suffices for the approval of any good thing I may say, if the Lord gives me grace to say it, in which case it will not be mine but His; for I have no learning, nor have I led a good life, nor do I get my information from a learned man or from any other person whatsoever. Only those who have commanded me to write this know that I am doing so, and at the moment they are not here. I am almost stealing time for writing and that with great difficulty, for it hinders me from spinning and I am living in a poor house and have numerous things to do.