Rob Bell
is "on tour." which sounds a little bit weird. I mean the "on tour" part - just because it's not like he plays killer riffs or something. But I could be okay with it. Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago on the 30th of June. They're calling it the Everything is Spiritual tour, which, for a title, sounds like a good start.
Rob has been something of a thought mentor for me for several years - mainly through his audio from his church Mars Hills, his DVD shorts called "Nooma"s and then a time that I got to latch on to a chance Ty got to go hang out with him for a period of two days in Michigan. Ty and I got to watch him speak, eat dinner with his family, and talk to him about how he forms his stories - his narratives about the Real. It was enough to make him a minor hero of mine - someone I want to be more like.
Anyway, he's on tour.