Moderating the Veritas Forum on Artificial Intelligence at Northwestern University

Was really pleased to serve as the moderator for the 2018 Veritas Forum at Northwestern University on the topic of Artificial Intelligence.

"Hey Siri, Are You My Friend?: Exploring Artificial Intelligence, Humanity, and Faith" was leawas a really timely and interesting topic. And our panel was particularly fascinating. I hope we can post the video or audio when it becomes available.

Can artificial intelligence become human? Does it matter how we treat artificial intelligence? What does it mean to be human?

Join three scholars as they discuss artificial intelligence, humanity, and faith. You will hear from Dr. Nathan Matias (Princeton), Dr. Ágnes Horvát (Northwestern), and Dr. Kristian Hammond (Northwestern) as they each share answers to these questions and then engage in a riveting discussion. Come with questions ready as the night will end with the scholars answering audience questions on the topic.

This event is free and open to the public.

Northwestern’s annual Veritas Forum helps students and faculty ask life’s hardest questions. This year’s Veritas Forum is sponsored by:
- The Office of the President
- Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department
- Chi Alpha
- Church of the Redeemer
- Cru
- Graduate Christian Fellowship
- InterVarsity
- Reformed University Fellowship
- University Bible Fellowship

Dr. Kristian Hammond
Co-Director and Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Northwestern University

Dr. J. Nathan Matias
Founder of CivilServant and Postdoctoral Researcher at Princeton University Psychology, Sociology, and Center for IT Policy

Dr. Ágnes Horvát
Assistant Professor, Communication Studies, Northwestern; Affiliated Faculty, Northwestern Institute of Complex Systems

Chris Ridgeway
Writer, Technology & Theology

Location: Alice Millar Chapel
more info:


Is Technology Ruining Our Lives? (Video)


How to Preach About Technology (Don't)